Free report - 8 Steps to Lower Your Employer Liability

With all the noise and distractions, it’s hard to know what to focus on. If you don’t address these pitfalls you could end up falling victim to one or more of them. Make sure that your to-do list gives priority to those tasks that impact your focus on these perils.
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Blog Posts
Independent Contractor or Employee?
Independent Contractor or Employee? Do you remember from episode 3 of the SmallBiz Brainiac podcast, the examples of employers who have been and are currently being sued for improper classification of their workers? Click here to listen to that episode. In this post we’ll learn about the IRS Common Law Rules and the 11 point test for determining if a…
Read the full articleDemystify the Hiring Process
The hiring procedure is complicated. It’s made up of several daunting processes. For me, hiring has always been one of the most difficult aspects of being an employer. There is so much to do. Everything from defining the position, to on-boarding. And, when I’ve been in a hurry, or desperate for help, I’ve been sloppy…
Read the full article10 Small Business Pitfalls to Avoid
10 Small Business Pitfalls You Must Avoid Owning and running a small business is not easy. There is a lot of competition out there, and while you struggle, they seem to have it all figured out. Everyone wants your time and attention including vendors, regulators, suppliers, employees, customers and your family. You are constantly being sold…
Read the full articleLatest Episodes
Falls from ladders make up 20% of loss-workday and fatal injuries. Falls from heights and on the same level the work is being performed on, are very common and one of the leading causes of serious work-related injuries and deaths. How familiar are you with fall protection standards? OSHA estimates that, on average, approximately 202,066 serious…
What happens if one of your employees is using someone else’s SSN to work for you? Attorney Ben Mason of the law firm Morley Mason is here to help us sort through this issue. Ben obtained his law degree from the University of Idaho. According to his wife, he became a lawyer because he likes arguing with…
The problem is time management. The Solution is brining higher energy to the time we have at work. Will your company achieve better results if you push your employees to work long hours? Or, could you outperform those results if they actually worked fewer hours? What message are you communicating to your employees through your own actions? Are you…
Benefits for small employers, what’s the right offering for your employees? Today’s expert panel member is Kris Hansberger, the Director of HR and Employee Benefits for Vensure Employer Services, Inc., a Chandler, AZ based Professional Employer Organization. Under her direction Vensure provides benefits administration and HR services to hundreds of clients and over 40,000 co-employees. She’s also responsible…
One of these terminations involved sex, drugs and rock & roll. In this episode we share examples of terminations we’ve conducted and the lessons we learned from them. For an unknown reason my audio goes alien on me at about 8 minutes into the show. I didn’t realize it until the editing process, and I…