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30: E-Verify Sucks

A big brother program resulting from a draconian policy. The program was authorized by the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 designed to drive away these illegal workers but employed illegal immigrants are net contributors and they help subsidize our largest social program…. Social Security. Here is how the federal government sells…

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29: Health Savings Accounts

Cool employers offer health savings accounts! Health Savings Accounts were created in 2003 so that individuals covered by high-deductible health plans could receive tax-preferred treatment of money saved for medical expenses. These underutilized accounts have fantastic benefits to your employees. What is a Health Savings Account? A bank account that your employees own where they…

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28: Workers’ Compensation Claims and Telecommuters

37% of Americans telecommute at least part of the time. An actual telecommuter claim: Mary worked from home selling window treatments, upholstery, bedding and pillows. She essentially worked out of her van and was required to keep current samples with her when going to appointments. She stored excess items in her garage, at her employer’s request. This was…

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27: Workers’ Compensation Claims and Travelers

Are your employees covered for any injury while out of town on business? If you have employees that travel, even if occasionally, you need to understand what claims will be accepted and make sure your properly covered. A workers’ compensation claim must arise out of and occur “in the course (or scope) of employment” “Arise out of” typically…

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26: “What’s Good for People?” a report by Kate Lister – Part 2

Creating an engaged employee environment also requires that you focus on their well-being. About Kate Lister: Kate Lister has given me permission to read her fantastic report “What’s Good for People?”, on the podcast. Kate is president of Global Workplace Analytics and she’s an internationally recognized authority on emerging workplace strategies. Kate has co-authored three…

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25: “What’s Good for People?” a report by Kate Lister

What can you do to enhance employee well-being? Wellness is only one component of your employees well-being. Workplace strategies that address employees’ physical, emotional, and social well-being can increase employee engagement. Kate Lister’s report: “What’s Good for People?”, written by Kate Lister, President of Global Workplace Analytics, broadens the discussion beyond employee engagement to encompass…

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24: How Medical Marijuana Impacts Employers

Legalization of medical marijuana is sweeping the nation. Twenty-three states plus DC and Guam, now have some form of medical marijuana legislation. States with medical marijuana laws: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon,…

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23: Employee Engagement Ideas

Fire up your employees. Get them engaged and watch productivity rise. Created the environment where employee engagement practices can exist. Employe engagement is about creating an environment of inclusion and participation. It’s about your employee’s sense of belonging and value. Successful employee engagement improves retention and attracts top talent. It increases productivity and improves the quality of…

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22: Employee Engagement

Are your employees fully engaged with your company? What is employee engagement? It’s about creating an environment of inclusion and participation. It’s about your employee’s sense of belonging and value. Successful employee engagement improves retention and attracts top talent. It increases productivity and improves quality. It makes your company stronger, more nimble and resilient. Imperfect…

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21: Are You A Large Employer Under the Affordable Care Act?

Learn the steps to calculating ALE status under the ACA. The ACA requires applicable large employers (or ALEs) to offer health insurance that has certain “minimum essential benefits” (also referred to as minimum essential coverage) to at least 95% of their full-time employees. The insurance must provide “minimum value” and the premium must be “affordable”.…

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