130: Adios Obama Era Joint-Employer Definition!
There are over 10 million employees working in positions that involve two or more companies, so the re-defining the term joint-employer is a major deal. I’m super excited to bring you today’s episode because we had a win. How Laws Are Made Without Congress: But first, I want to ask and answer the question; How do…
View full episode129: ICE’s IMAGE Certification Program
The certification focuses on employers that have the ability to effect change in their industry or region. Undocumented Immigrants: Undocumented immigrants gaining employment in the United States has been a headache for the U.S. government for decades. In 1986 the Immigration Reform and Control Act led to the creation of the Form I-9 which required…
View full episode128: Puerto Rico Labor Laws – Part 3
Puerto Rico’s year end “Christmas” bonus and paid breaks for nursing mothers. In episode 124 and 126 we we covered several of Puerto Rico’s labor laws including the employment contract, the probationary period, just cause terminations, mandatory severance pay, minimum wage, overtime, the statutory meal period and paid vacation and sick leave. On today’s episode we’ll…
View full episode127: More Paid Sick Leave Laws
Mandatory paid sick leave comes at the expense of paid vacation time or other wages. Last week I discussed the Washington D.C. Paid Leave Law with you. Today I wanted to continue on with the mandatory paid leave topic as it continues to be a hot item across the United States. Again, we have covered…
View full episode126: Puerto Rico Labor Laws – Part 2
Under Puerto Rico labor laws it’s illegal for you to terminate a grandfathered employee so you can benefit from the lower vacation accrual rates and higher qualification standards. In episode 124, part 1, we learned about the employment contract, the probationary period, just cause terminations, mandatory severance pay, and the minimum wage. On today’s episode we’ll continue…
View full episode125: DC Paid Leave Law
Employers will fund the paid leave program through a payroll tax on all Washington D.C. wages. We’ve talked about mandatory paid leave laws in a couple of past episodes as this seems to be a hot issue around the country over the last couple of years. Laws are starting to take effect in many states…
View full episode124: Puerto Rico Labor Laws – Part 1
Under Puerto Rico’s labor laws you may only terminate an employee for just cause, unless you terminate them during the statutory probation period. Although Puerto Rico is a U.S. Territory, and travel to and from the island does not require a passport, it’s a very unique place… very different from the rest of the United…
View full episode123: Three Personality Types Every Business Needs to Succeed
Possessing only one or two of these personality types will leave you with an incomplete business. Today’s episode is inspired by the book The E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber. If you have not read this book yet I highly recommend it. Regardless of where you are at in your career, whether you are a budding entrepreneur or…
View full episode122: Employee Severance Agreements
You have to provide “consideration” in exchange for your employee’s waiver of their rights to sue. I was talking to a friend this weekend and she told me about a recent employee termination experience. Her employee didn’t show up for work one day so so she called her. The employee said she didn’t want to work…
View full episode121: Five Steps To Be A Better Leader
In order to be a great leader you have to make some tough decisions. Hey everyone, welcome to episode 121, 5 Steps To Becoming a Better Leader. I’m your host, Robert Attridge and this is the podcast that delivers employer intelligence two days each week in a short 7 to 10 minute episode. My co-host, Thomas…
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